Friday, August 20, 2010

I am the mother of a 25 year old beautiful daughter.  She was such a lovely little girl but something happened to her about 4 years ago.  We just don't get along.  It makes me a bit sad, because I love my daughter more than life itself, but we don't get along.  She has no problem asking me for my advice, but I hate giving it to her.  Inevitably I give the advice she asks for and then she fights with me and tells me to stop telling her what to do.  I call that a lose/lose for me.

There are some young women who do have fantastic relationships with their mothers...I wasn't one of those and neither is my daughter...Ha! Perhaps it's genetic.  More likely environmental, but I hate to admit that.

I know several young women her age and these girls consider me to be their "Mommylynda" and the seek my advice.  I do my best to be helpful whenever I can.  I find it amusing that they so love chatting with me about their day, their problems, and they, like my daughter,  have rough relationships with their own mothers.  I suppose sometimes it's just better to talk to another girl's mother...

I only want to if you have no other mother to listen for whatever reason it may be....ask away...
